Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Last Apprentice - Book 6 - Clash of the Demons

In this book, Tom goes to his mom's homeland, Greece, and his mom has formed alliances with all of the witches in Pendle (where Tom lives). They have to deal with pirate ships and sirens along the way. After they deal with the sirens, the witch assassain Grimalkin gives Tom two weapons, a knife and a dark wish. A dark wish is a wish used with the power of the dark. When he gets to Greece, he learns a secret that his mom had never told him - his mom is not a lamia witch, she is the first lamia witch. This means that she is an immortal enchantress who was cursed by Zeus to have the lower body of a snake. The witches and Tom are going to find the Ord, which is Ordeen's home (Ordeen is a witch that was created by the fiend mating with a dead earth witch). Ordeen is the worst witch you could ever think of, and she is horrible beyond imagining. But then Tom gets lost and finds Alice, but then the group accidentally moves on without them, and then they find a new enemy - Maenads. They are witches trained to go into a killing frenzy - they serve the Ordeen. Tom and Alice try to find their way back to the group, but Alice is nearly killed by feral Lamia witches. Then Tom heals her with the dark wish. Then they find the group and they go on to get to the Ordeen. The first trap they have to go through there is one where somebody will force you to eat from the table, but if you do you will be trapped in the Ord for all eternity, and you will have to eat or one of you will have to challenge a heavily armored knight in single combat. Grimalkin challenges the knight and succeeds, and then the knight asks Tom to give some of his own blood to the Ordeen. Tom says that he will, and then after that he runs to find the Ordeen and destroy her before she awakens. What they find is a few small traps and then they find where the Ordeen is, but after that they find Tom's mother changing into a form to destroy the Ordeen. Then, Tom goes to kill the Ordeen, and first, he looks like he's successful when he binds her with a silver chain after he managed to stop time itself. But then a fire elemental called a salamander crawls out of her body and melts the chain, and when he uses the knife that Grimalkin gave him, it melts too. then his mom comes in to try to save Tom and Tom flees the building. The building gets sucked back into the portal, and is trapped and so is his mom. When he gets home, Tom goes and waits outside for an hour because;se he had made a deal with the fiend to delay Ordeen's waking by an hour. the fiend came to claim his soul, but alice comes and stops him by giving tom a blood jar that will prevent the fiend from getting him until he dies.

What I liked about this book is the battle on the ship. what I did not like about this book was the the description of castle of the Ord, because it was creepy [typist's note: it all sounds creepy]. I give this book nineteen out of twenty. I like this book and hope that the author will write more books in the series.

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